Friday, September 8, 2023


Epistemology: The Structure of Knowledge

  1. Ontology (Theology, Metaphysics, Philosophy, the Study of God/the Sovereign Rule): The foundational branch that explores the nature of existence, the divine, and the ultimate principles of reality.

    • Theology: Examines religious and divine matters, exploring the concept of God, religious doctrines, and spirituality.
    • Metaphysics: Investigates the fundamental nature of reality, existence, and the relationships between mind, matter, and substance.
    • Philosophy: Encompasses various philosophical inquiries, including epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic, to seek answers about the nature of existence.

    Art: Positioned here as it contemplates existential questions about being, art serves as a medium of expression, connecting humanity with the divine through creativity and aesthetics.

  2. Actiology (Study of Man/Authorities): Focuses on human actions, behaviors, and the structures of authority governing societies.

    • Praxiology: The overarching study of human action, encompassing various subfields:

      • The Theory of the Isolated Individual (Crusoe Economics): Explores the actions and decision-making of individuals in isolation.
      • The Theory of Voluntary Interpersonal Exchange (Catallactics, or the Economics of the Market): Examines the dynamics of voluntary exchange in market economies.
        • Barter: Investigates the exchange of goods and services without a medium of exchange.
        • With Medium of Exchange: Explores economic transactions involving a common medium of exchange.
          • On the Unhampered Market: Analyzes free-market interactions without external interference.
          • Effects of Violent Intervention with the Market: Examines the impact of coercive measures on market dynamics.
          • Effects of Violent Abolition of the Market (Socialism): Studies the consequences of the complete elimination of market systems.
      • The Theory of War – Hostile Action: Focuses on the dynamics, causes, and consequences of conflicts and warfare.
      • The Theory of Games (Game Theory): Applies mathematical models to analyze decision-making and strategy in various competitive scenarios.
      • Unknown: A placeholder for potential future developments in actiology research.
    • Anthropology (History, Psychology, Sociology, etc.): Examines human societies, cultures, behaviors, and their historical, psychological, and sociological aspects.

  3. Ethics/Law (Heinleinian Study of the Good): Explores the concepts of ethics, morality, and the legal systems that govern human behavior and societal order.

    • Dominion/Sovereignty: Investigates the principles of authority, control, and sovereignty.
    • Hierarchy/Authority: Analyzes hierarchical structures and the exercise of authority.
    • Pure Theory of Law/Ethics (Tied to All Other Points Around the Axiom of the Ego): Examines the fundamental principles and ethics underlying all aspects of human action.
    • Theory of Oaths/Sanctions (Cruel, Unusual, and Proportionate?): Studies the ethical implications and consequences of oaths and sanctions, considering their fairness and proportionality.
    • Theory of Succession/Inheritance: Explores the transfer of authority, property, and responsibilities through generations.
  4. Natural Sciences (Pure Positivism, Study of Causality, Sanctions): Investigates the empirical and scientific understanding of the physical world, causality, and the consequences of actions.

  5. Mathematics (Pure Theory at the Lowest Level of Number, Study of Continuity): Focuses on the abstract study of numbers, mathematical concepts, and the notion of continuity in mathematical structures.

This structure provides a comprehensive overview of key branches of knowledge and their interconnections, emphasizing the study of human action, ethics, and the foundations of existence.











Of Training for Citizenship Through Scouting

The Boy Scout Movement has become almost universal, and wherever organized its leaders are glad, as we are, to acknowledge the debt we all o...