Saturday, November 19, 2022

Our Duty

This speech was prepared to be delivered at an indeterminate time to my troop on the subject of our duty to the patrol method. Much of it is plagiarized from Lord Baden Powell but a good deal is written on my own. In any case, the goal is to effectively persuade the troop to adopt the patrol method. Our troop has not had patrols since before I joined and I intend to implement them before I leave. the oratory style is the reason for the strange punctuation.

My kinsfolk, I want to remind you, in a very few words, of what your duty is.

Of what a scout does apart from merely living in camps, cooking on your own, and playing scout games.

First of all, of course, you are trusted, on your honor, to do your best to live out the scout law, which is first to work for God and his country, and secondly to help other people at all times. And thirdly, to keep yourself fit, with respect to both body and mind.

In addition to this, each one of us is called to help the great help movement by

making ourselves so good of scouts that we will, later on, make great scoutmasters ourselves.

A beloved leader once said of scouts “once scout, always a scout”. Don't forget a very important part of your duty is quite a small thing and that is to do a good turn to somebody every day. Now to you scout masters, you are doing a good turn for the boys in training them to have good character. You are doing a good turn for the country since you are making good citizens

for the future, and you are doing much to empower the youth in their struggles.

To you, the youth, it is important to show your younger siblings how to be good successful men. In doing so, you are also doing good for yourself, since you are learning to become a better citizen, and to train better citizens in your own image. In this way, you'll develop in yourself, patience and creativity, in the face of difficulty and discouragement. you'll practice servant leadership, exercise loyalty, and instill the virtue of sacrifice, which cannot fail to make you a better man and a better citizen.

And now I wish to speak upon the method, which enables us to go forth in this manner. Everybody admires the virtue of great leaders and citizens, but do not be content to look on at others playing their part, play the game yourself. You have your chance, it is quite open to every one of you, through a unique institution, found only in scouting. This is the patrol method, the main object of which, is to give real responsibility to as many youths as possible. Through it, every youth has his chance, to be a leader in his own right, to be responsible for his own growth, and the wellbeing of all his fellows. 

In the setting of scouting, this growth takes the form of learning skills and hobbies, which otherwise would not have been available to him. The outdoor adventure of scouting, with its sharp equipment, and smart dress, appeals to his sense of romance and imagination. Many of you have only a vague idea of the patrol method, but in the words of scoutings founder, “The patrol method is not one method in which Scouting for boys can be carried on, It is the only method.” The key to the entire organization lies, with the close-knit fraternity, of the patrols. A House built on sand cannot stand, and neither can a troop. The hardships, the difficulties, and the closeness of a patrol, forge bonds which cannot be severed. Being formed into patrols does not divide the youth, it gives them a sense of identity which shall remain with them, for the rest of their lives. It gives each group, a unique opportunity to pursue scouting adventures, in their own right, and fosters a sense of kinship and competition, within the entire troop. A House Built on a foundation of bricks will stand strong in any storm. 

The call of scouting, is really, the call to adventure. It appeals to us because of the smart uniforms, and the sharp equipment, and because it engages us in unique open-air activities. But do not confuse the call to adventure with the real mission of scouting, our duty. To Keep our oath, and to embody the law. The patrol method is really the best way to do this since it engages us all in active servant leadership, and best fosters the spirit of playful kinship in the troop, by allowing the youth to take charge of their own activities, and development as a whole as leaders. The Patrol System, is the one essential feature, in which Scout training differs from that of all other organizations, and where the system is properly applied, it is absolutely bound to bring success. It cannot help itself! With that, I encourage you all to work hard for yourselves and others and to do your duty to God and for your country.

I bid you a good day - Hayden Carlson

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